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Héctor del Castillo Gordillo

Ph.D. in Mathematics, Université Paris-Saclay and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Héctor del Castillo Gordillo

Ph.D. in Mathematics, Université Paris-Saclay and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Héctor del Castillo Gordillo Blog Notes
I am FONDECYT 2022 postdoctoral fellow at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

I have completed my Ph.D. under the supervision of Luis Lomelí and Guy Henniart (Chile-France Cotutelle). My main research focus is the Langlands program. My Ph. D. thesis establishes a special case of Langlands functionality conjecture for globally generic automorphic representations in positive characteristic.

Apart from my research interests, I also enjoy learning different aspects of algebraic geometry.

Finally, my interests outside of mathematics are cooking, coffee & tea, health and philosophy.


Langlands functoriality conjecture for SO*(2n) in positive characteristic. preprint (2022)

Thesis (2021)

Research activities:

Jornada de Aritmética y Geometría en Valparaíso (2023 October) Organized with Luis Lomelí.

Seminario Automorfo (2023 October-2024 January) Organized with Daniel Barrera and Sebastián Herrero.

Representaciones y Teoría de números: PUCV-USACh (2023 June) Organized with Luis Lomelí.

Grupo de estudio (2023 March-April). Organized with Luis Lomelí and Javier Navarro.

Jornada Automorfa (2023 January). Organized with Daniel Barrera.

A short introduction to the GGP conjectures (2023 January),by Xenia Dimitrakopoulou. Organized with Daniel Barrera.

Seminario Funtorialidad de Langlands y variación p-ádica (2022 March- 2023 January). Organized with Daniel Barrera and Luis Santiago Palacios.

An introduction to Proof Assistants (2022 November) by Riccardo Brasca. Organized with Daniel Barrera.

Recorded Talks:

Funtorialidad de Langlands y deformación p-ádica (2022, ten talks ,~2 hours, Castellano).

I Encuentro de Estudiantes de Doctorado Chile-Francia de la Universidad de Chile (11/2021, ~15 Minutes, Castellano, Público General).

Generic Langlands Functoriality Conjecture for SO*(2n) in positive characteristic (11/2021, ~1 hour, English).

Representaciones automorfas y Variedades de Shimura (10/2021, seven sessions,~1.5 hours, Castellano).

Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2021. Poster presentation at the special session “Galois representations and automorphic forms” (6/2021, ~17 minutes, English).

Seminario Latinoamericano de Teoría de Números (LATeN) (10/2020, ~1 hour, Castellano).

V-Coloquio Valparaíso (7/2020, ~20 minutes, Castellano).


Short CV.

Grothendieck en Español.

France Culture.