Arithmetic and p-adic geometry in Chile

About Summer School Conference Information


On December 2024 the program Arithmetic and p-adic geometry in Chile will be held at the Estudios de Postgrado y Educación Continua of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile:

  • Summer School (2-6th of December 2024)
  • Conference (9-13th of December 2024)

The Langlands program aims to relate systems of polynomial equations with integer coefficients to automorphic forms, i.e. functions on symmetric spaces with a large number of discrete symmetries.

The focus of this event will be on some manifestations of this program, including:

  • the p-adic Kudla program,
  • the p-adic Langlands program,
  • p-adic L-functions and Iwasawa theory.
  • The program will include a Summer School addressed to students and young researchers and a Conference.

    Researchers from all over the world will gather in Santiago. They will present their recent advances in mathematics.


    Local information

    Santiago is a vibrant city that blends the classical with the modern. It boasts a vast urban park and offers breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains. This combination makes Santiago an ideal location for fostering new ideas and conducting research. The city's modern and well-connected public transportation system provides easy access to a plethora of interesting locations, ensuring an enjoyable stay.

    The Centro de Estudios de Postgrado y Educación Continua of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. It is a center of the university that provides a modern space for teaching and research. The facility is located in a very modern area of Santiago, colloquially known as Sanhattan (a blend of Santiago and Manhattan).

